We have all experienced that one state of consciousness is not the other. We have all been in a half-awake-half-sleep state at one point or another. We all have been dreaming outside the window during a long car journey. On the other hand, we have all taken an exam with great concentration. While higher states of consciousness are often associated with spirituality and considered unattainable, these different states of consciousness are surprisingly easy to achieve.
Often it is just a matter of not identifying them correctly, which makes us think they are inaccessible.
What states of consciousness are there?
Roughly speaking, four states of consciousness can be distinguished: wakefulness, sleeping, dreaming, and transcendental. There are theories in which more states of consciousness are described, but those states are rather ones that can be classified in the four states mentioned.
I describe the four main groups of states of consciousness below:
Vigilant state of consciousness
The vigilant state of consciousness is the state we are in during the day. We watch the morning news, have a conversation with our coworkers, and during these activities, our brains create beta waves, the brainwaves with a frequency of between 12.5 and 30 Hz.
Anything where we are aware of, what we think, what we talk about, and how we act falls within the vigilant state of consciousness.
Sleep state
When we sleep, we are no longer aware of ourselves and our surroundings. During our sleep, the brain produces very slow brain waves, the delta waves. This brainwave frequency varies between 0.5 and 4 hertz.
Dream state
When we dream, we have a different state of consciousness than when we sleep in between dreams. The brainwave frequency during a dream state increases during dreaming, more towards the theta (6-10Hz), in which our brains can draw on creativity and our subconscious. Have you ever experienced that? You are dreaming about something that drops and results in a blow, and right at that moment, you are startled by a blow somewhere outside in the street?
It is this state of consciousness in which we process our experiences during the day. Because we also have excellent access to our subconscious during a dream state, we are also able – to a certain extent – to sense things in the near future. (remember the blow above)
Transcendental state of consciousness
The transcendental state of consciousness is often associated with mystical experiences that enable us to experience a different aspect of the “self”. This means that we must transcend the known self to experience another aspect of our potentially unknown self. When we enable ourselves to transcend our known selves, we work our way to the source of our existence.
In the case of this “mystical” experience, it does not come from the external world but from our internal experience, our “inner knowing.”
We can get in touch with this internal knowledge through meditation or hypnosis. The senses (sight, hearing, feeling, smell and taste) that generally keep us in a conscious and focused state are not used. All you have to do is be aware of your body, the environment you are in, and just observe.
A transcendental state of consciousness can provide special insights and trigger supernatural powers for us, such as remote viewing, telepathic abilities, and glances into the future.
During such states of consciousness, the biomagnetic frequency with which we surround ourselves also reaches a higher vibration and starts to resonate. The experience of mystical experience causes an increase in energy. This explains why we feel so much lighter and more energetic during and right after a transcendental meditation.
As a result of the increase in energy in heightened emotion, vivid, clear images obscure the brain’s attention. This state of consciousness is in which we can see very clearly, both in the present and in the (near) future. These visions are often described as holographic images that appear in front of the mind’s eye.
During the workshops of Dr. Joe Dispenza, scientists measured participants’ brain waves during these heightened states of consciousness. Their brains produced, next to the dominant theta waves, an extraordinary amount of gamma brain waves (38-42 Hz).
With an added positive emotion to that state of consciousness, the energy moves even higher and resonates even more. The result is an energetic climax that results in almost superhuman perception. Many people who have experienced such a state describe it as a state of “superconsciousness.”
Knowledge about states of consciousness
We can enrich our lives enormously through knowledge and awareness of the different states of consciousness. The realization that our conscious daily life represents only a fraction of what the human mind can do just puts things into perspective. We think we are driving with our conscious mind, but our subconscious is the real driver.
Our cognitive brains have a kind of human arrogance, while our reptilian brains can much more. For most people, it’s hard to comprehend what we are capable of as human beings, both emotionally and spiritually.