Schumann Resonance 2023: effects on our brainwaves and behavior

Schumann Resonance Influence Brainwaves Human Behavior

The Schumann resonance – also called “the heartbeat of the earth” – and our brainwaves have a surprising similarity. They both operate on the same frequencies. Even more surprising is that they interact with each other. When the Schumann resonance rises or peaks, it directly influences our brain activity and thus our behavior.

In this article, I try to describe the subject of this subtle energy in an accessible way.

What is the Schumann Resonance?

Schumann resonances are peaks in the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) part of the electromagnetic spectrum, resulting in the Earth’s atmosphere. These peaks of low-frequency electromagnetic waves manifest themselves in the atmosphere between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere, which functions as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth make this waveguide act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. Electrical currents in lightning naturally generate this cavity.

Schumann resonances are the main background in the 3 Hz to 60 Hz part of the electromagnetic spectrum and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 Hz, the fundamental frequency of the Schumann resonance. The peaks that occur are 14.3, 20.8, 27.3, and 33.8 Hz.

These frequencies overlap with the human brainwaves – delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma – responsible for different mental states and thus human behavior. It is too simple to call this overlap in frequencies “coincidental.”

The Earth’s ionosphere is, in fact, a low-temperature plasma, a mixture of electrically charged ions and electrons. The electromagnetic waves of the Schuman resonance force these particles to vibrate. The result is a vibrating ionospheric plasma that sends out a subtle flow of energy that affects the Earth and everything on its surface.

The standing waves of Schumann resonance are created by electromagnetic waves moving between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The ionosphere extends beyond the stratosphere to the exosphere. When the electromagnetic waves reach the Earth’s surface, they are absorbed. When they reach the ionosphere, they are reflected as if from a mirror. The conductivity of the ionosphere makes it a perfect reflective medium for the electromagnetic waves that “bump” against it.

The higher the frequency of the electromagnetic waves, the higher the layer of the ionosphere that reflects them off the Earth’s surface.

The activity of the sun also seems to influence the Schumann resonance. Although conclusive evidence is lacking, more and more scientists believe that solar flares influence Schumann resonance and thus human behavior. It is probably only a matter of time before scientific evidence supports this theory.

Tesla and Schumann: godfathers of Schumann resonance

The phenomenon of electromagnetic resonance within the ionosphere is named after the physicist scientist Winfried Otto Schumann. Yet even before Schumann, there was someone who was concerned with the frequencies of the Earth.

It was Nikola Tesla who, at the turn of the century (1900), already proposed Earth itself was in a state of resonance at frequencies below 10 Hz. He suggested that the ionosphere reflected the energy at the antipode of his transmitter in Colorado Springs in such a way as to create standing waves. In the process, the electrical voltage rose to such an extent that Tesla created artificial lightning bolts. Unfortunately, nobody didn’t take his observations seriously until W.O. Schumann made similar discoveries in the 1950s.

Schumann created a mathematical model that could be used to predict the frequencies of resonance in the ionosphere. He postulated that the space between the Earth’s surface and the bottom of the ionosphere (80 kilometers in altitude) forms a vibrating cavity where standing waves vibrate at certain resonant frequencies. He investigated this phenomenon, taking into account the attenuation and influence of lightning, in a series of papers during the years 1952 to 1957. These resonance waves were later named Schumann resonance and were demonstrated experimentally in 1960.

The natural origin of the Schumann resonance

The Schumann resonance could not exist without electromagnetic waves, which are the basis of this phenomenon. The main source of this electromagnetic radiation is lightning activity around the Earth. With an average of billions of thunderstorms worldwide each year, 40-50 lightning discharges occur almost every second. This creates a spectrum of electromagnetic waves that are sent into the atmosphere. These very low-frequency waves are in the spectrum between 10 and 1000 Hz. The high-frequency oscillations of reach the spectrum in the kHz range.

These waves move invisibly around the globe at the speed of light. Since lightning activity is not the same in all parts of the world, it varies slightly in different regions of the planet. Namely, there are significant differences in lightning activity over Africa, South America, and Asia.

Schumann Resonance influence behavior
Source: NASA

Global Coherence Initiative

The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a global initiative of scientists that uses a wide variety of scientific data to gain insights into the interrelationships between our health, the behavior of humans and animals, and the magnetic activity of the sun and the Earth.

The Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS), the scientific component of GCI, uses the most modern detection technology, which can detect changes in the geomagnetic field with hypersensitive sensors.

These GCMS sensors continuously measure Schumann resonance and other frequencies in the Earth’s magnetic field. They track changes in geomagnetic activity caused by solar storms, changes in solar wind speed, disruption of the Schumann resonance (SR), and those of major global events (think 9/11, the covid outbreak) that have a strong emotional charge.

Schumann and Brainwaves: Scientific Research

As described, the frequencies of the Schumann resonance are very similar to the human brainwaves. They both function within the same bandwidth. The human brainwaves are classified as follows:

Extensive research has been conducted into the influence of resonance on our brain waves and our behavior. Pobachenko et al. (r) examined the patterns in Schumann resonance (SR) and the EEGs of a group of participants over six weeks. During the daily cycle, changes in the EEG were present, comparable to variations in the SR. The highest correlations between the SR and brain frequencies occurred when the magnetic activity was increased. Persinger et al. Have also extensively studied the relationships between both frequencies and concluded that the

SR and EEG activity are very similar. (r,r)

Human brainwave activity directly affects our behavior. Beta brain waves are related to concentration and alertness, while theta waves affect our creativity and suggestibility. Delta waves cause drowsiness.

As you can see in the above infographic, it is mainly the higher brainwave frequencies that overlap with the frequencies of the SR.

Heart rate variability and the SR

Heart rate variability (HRV), or the measurement of beat-to-beat changes in heart rate, is used as an indicator of autonomic nervous system (ANS) function and dynamics. The research conducted by HeartMath Institute in the US has seen the use of HRV increase significantly in research and clinical treatment applications.

Since the Schumann resonance also affects the autonomic nervous system, the HRV is also affected. The interactions between autonomic neural activity, blood pressure, respiration, and control centers in the brain produce short- and longer-term rhythms in HRV measurements.

There are several studies showing a significant decrease in HRV during magnetic storms. This may indicate a mechanism that links geomagnetic activity to increased sensitivity to stress and the risk of heart disease. (r,r,r)

High peaks in the Schumann resonance

On January 31, 2017, the Schumann resonance reached frequencies higher than 36 Hz for the first time in history. This extreme amplitude was initially considered an anomaly by scientists, but since 2014 the mean had already risen from the usual 7.83 Hz to somewhere between 15-25 Hz levels. The huge jump from 7.83 Hz to 36+ Hz is a big deal. A fivefold increase in frequency means overstimulation of the brain and a stressed, nervous system for almost everyone.

Great Awakening 2023: Awareness is Rising

The interrelationship between the Earth’s magnetic field and human consciousness seems to be causing a kind of Great Awakening. A higher frequency seems to mean one-on-one that we are attaining higher consciousness.

Times are changing, and increasing political, social, economic, and personal tensions seem to be reaching a climax. When you look around you, humanity seems to be awakening and getting ready for spiritual transcendence.

Are we living in a time when people are making a spiritual turnaround? The increases in frequency create increases in consciousness, and an increase in our consciousness means that we are creating more gamma brain waves. Gamma brain waves, which can be as much as twice as high as high beta brain waves, represent an aroused state in the brain. They create a state of super consciousness and enable us to love and have compassion.

As the Earth and its people undergo a metamorphosis, the old system seems to slowly crumble and make way for a new society, a society in which equality, love, and compassion rule.

The increase in frequency in the Schumann resonance in 2022 may indicate that we are part of a major switch and maybe on the verge of a major evolutionary leap.

Schumann resonance 2023 today [LIVE]

You can find today’s Schumann resonance on the website of the Space Monitoring center in Tomsk, Russia. When you look at the display of today’s Schumann resonance measurements, it consists of a blue background with green, yellow, orange, and sometimes even red or purple spots reflecting significant outliers. The video below (English) explains how to interpret the data in the graphical representation.

Frequently asked questions

How does the schumann resonance affect humans? 

The human brain is a biological organ, soft, flexible, and adaptive. On the other hand, the brain is relatively stable and coherent with well-developed intelligence. In order to retain intelligent thinking in a soft and adaptive organ there needs to be a constant, globally available, synchronization system that continuously stabilizes the brain. 

The Schumann Resonance operates on the same frequencies as the human brain by being resonantly absorbed by brain systems and altering the serotonin/melatonin balance. 

Does Schumann resonance affect our blood pressure?

Yes, on days when the Schumann Resonance is higher, blood pressure also rises. On days when the Schumann Resonance is lower, the blood pressure drops.(r)

How strong is Schumann resonance?

This is an extremely low-frequency wave that can be as low as 8 Hertz (Hz) – some one hundred thousand times lower than the lowest frequency radio waves used to send signals to your AM/FM radio. The foundational Schumann Resonance is the strongest at 7.83 Hz (around 8Hz) and it generally has a strength measured around 1 microV/root Hz.

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