Audiovisual entrainment (AVE), brain waves, and the influence on behavior and brain-related disorders

Audiovisual Entrainment AVE Meditation ADHD

Audiovisual entrainment (AVE) is a therapy in which flashing lights through an eye set and pulsating tones through headphones affect the brainwaves. This first description does not strictly invite the application of this technique in practice. Nevertheless, the use of audiovisual entrainment (AVE) is rapidly increasing for therapeutic applications.

More and more people are discovering the positive results that AVE can have with health issues such as AD(H)D, pain, migraine, sleep disorders, and difficulty starting in the morning. In this article, we will discuss what audiovisual entrainment is exactly, what complaints it can help with and what you should pay attention to when purchasing a so-called “brain-machine.”

What is Audiovisual Entrainment (AVE)?

With AVE, the user wears glasses that contain LED lights that flash at a certain frequency according to a pre-programmed program. At the same time, the user wears headphones that emit pulsing tones at the same frequency. The signals come from a supplied box that contains a number of programs. This box, or the set, is also called a “brain-machine.”

The stimulating signals have a powerful influence on the brainwaves in our brain. AVE stimulates neurotransmitters’ production, increases blood flow in the brain, can induce a deep autonomic calming, hypnotic induction, and promotes and restores neural networks.

Applications with AVE

Applications of AVE are wide. Clinical studies demonstrate AVE’s efficacy and show good results for treating ADHD, depression, anxiety, cognitive degeneration, balance problems, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and pain relief.

Athletes are increasingly using AVE to be able to deliver top performance, and Audiovisual entrainment is also used for better learning performance and emotional well-being in general. AVE devices are inexpensive, effective, and easy to operate with minimal adverse side effects.

How does audiovisual entrainment work?

In the so-called brain-machine, also called mind machine, a number of programs are stored for different purposes. Each program produces different brainwave patterns under the influence of the glasses’ pulsating tones and light signals.

AVE uses brain temptation: this means that our brainwaves tend to take over the frequency of the flashes and the tones, making them easy to get carried away with the input frequency.

To understand how brainwaves work, we will first explain what brainwaves are.

What are Brainwaves?

Brainwaves represent the communication frequency between different neurons in our brain. Every time a synchronized electrical pulse of information is exchanged between neurons, it causes a frequency that is displayed in Hertz (Hz).

The basis of all our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors is the communication between the neurons in our brains. Brainwaves are produced when they communicate with each other.

In our brain, we distinguish several different bandwidths of brain waves:

  • delta brain waves
  • theta brainwaves
  • alpha brainwaves
  • beta brainwaves
  • gamma brainwaves

During the day – even while you’re reading this article – our brains are mainly in beta. This means that our brains create dominant beta waves. These beta brainwaves enable us to read attentively, reason, or focus on a crossword puzzle. Read more about brain waves.

With audiovisual entrainment, we can influence our brainwaves. People with ADHD, for example, produce relatively less dominant beta brainwaves and are more predominant in theta patterns. By playing a program that stimulates the production of dominant beta waves, we are able to train the brain to make beta waves and thus reduce the complaints.

In trance with Audiovisual entrainment

In therapeutic applications, an important goal can be brain seduction. Thereby, the AVE therapy aims to induce a dissociative state, a meditative state of deep relaxation. The advantages of this are that people with deep emotional wounds – for example, after traumatic experiences – can detach themselves emotionally from the trauma.

A dissociative state is characterized by deep diaphragmatic breathing. Hands and feet heat up as arteries dilate. The skin color turns pink as the blood flow through the face and skin increases. Blood flow will also increase in the brain. The person will experience feelings of deep relaxation and satisfaction when helpful neurotransmitters are released into the brain.

In this deep state, the regenerative repair chemicals (parasympathetic hormones) and stabilizing neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine, are released that support healthy brain function.

Meditation with audiovisual entrainment

Audiovisual entrainment is not only very suitable for therapeutic applications. Brain-machines are also increasingly used for recreational purposes, such as meditation, to relax, study, or simply getting to sleep in the evening. Both the positive mental and physical effects are the deciding factor for many to purchase an AVE system.

AVE is particularly suitable for getting into a meditative state at an accelerated pace. Choosing a program that puts the user in an alpha/theta state is easy to meditate on. While Buddhist monks have had to undergo years of training to reach deep meditative states, it is now possible for anyone to meditate like a monk within 10-20 minutes.

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