Agitated denial: how the pandemic is destroying not only our health but also our relationships

agitated denial

Agitated denial is a phenomenon that we have seen frequently, especially since the onset of the pandemic. If anything is divisive, it is differing opinions and beliefs. Especially in times like this, it is essential to remain tolerant, respect each other, and be open to discussion.

In this article, I will explain to you what agitated denial is, how you can prevent a conversation from turning into a heated discussion and how you can have a healthy debate, even though you and your conversation partner have a substantial difference of beliefs.

What is agitated denial?

Agitated denial is a reaction in a conversation in which the person concerned denies the statement of their conversation partner in an exasperated manner. This denial is often based on cognitive dissonance. The interlocutor’s statement differs from the other’s belief to such an extent that he becomes confused and spontaneously agitated and reacts almost angrily.

The term agitated denial was first mentioned in a video I saw on Bitchute, in which a doctor explained why there is so little discussion about the pandemic. People are especially inclined to seek out others who hold the same opinion.

The consequence of this division is that the division between ‘believers’ and ‘non-believers’ is only widening. And because it is not talked about and discussed, the tension also rises. But where is the limit? Where do we meet? Should it eventually come to a confrontation between the ‘believers’ and ‘non-believers’?

What Causes Agitated Denial?

The primary cause of agitated denial is the degree to which a belief is at odds with one’s own belief. When one says “Vaccinations are bad” and the other says “Vaccinations are good,” the two are opposed. They will both demand that the other come up with well-founded arguments to substantiate the claim. Do you want to be convinced?


Many conversations about the pandemic and what’s going on end in awkward silence. Relationships are under pressure. In many cases, the different beliefs seem incompatible. The division threatens even families and families apart. Deep-seated beliefs seem to be even stronger than family ties and love.

Isolation and loneliness are not only the physical result of heated discussions without final compromise. We also feel emotionally isolated as our opinions are being denied. We think that we are alone and feel isolated.

How to have a healthy discussion?

You can have a good discussion about the pandemic problem:

  • by making report
  • by listening respectfully to each other
  • by asking questions
  • by realizing that everyone has their own opinion
  • by sharing your opinion and not forcing it on the other
  • by listening without judgment
  • by being a sympathetic ear for your interlocutor who is probably just as confused as you are due to all the conflicting information available


When you’re discussing with someone who thinks differently, it’s important to make rapport. Rapport is an NLP technique in which you mirror your conversation partner. Observe him/her carefully, pay attention to the posture, breathing, and representation systems that the other uses, and adjust your communication accordingly.

You look for similarities instead of the differences that actually separate you. There are undoubtedly similarities. Discuss the conflicting information that makes it difficult for both of you to form a reasonable opinion. And even if you have an opinion, don’t try to emphasize it.

Respect to avoid agitated denial

Listening respectfully to the other person is essential for a good discussion. Realize that every person expresses their opinion based on their own experiences, just like you do.

Your interlocutor has not read the articles and studies as you have, any more than they have watched the videos on the basis of which you formed your opinion.

Respect expresses itself in allowing the other to express itself, to respect that the other has a different opinion, and not to want to convince the other of your idea.

Asking questions to avoid agitated denial

Asking questions is a great way to avoid agitated denial, and it’s also an expression of interest in the other person. It shows that you are trying to understand the other person better. Instead of bombarding the other person with your beliefs, listen with interest to the other person’s arguments.

Everyone has their frame of reference

Everyone has had different experiences over the years. These experiences are the blueprint for the frame of reference with which you judge the world around you today. With this thought in mind, there is, in fact, no right or wrong opinion. By respecting the other in their opinion, we can avoid unpleasant situations in a discussion.

Listen respectfully and without judgment

A conversation conducted with mutual respect cannot possibly go wrong and turn into a heated argument. By letting each other talk and understanding each other’s opinions, and listening without judgment, you can easily exchange ideas without one or the other feeling attacked.

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